Amir rom Art in clay Thu, 06 Mar 2025 14:09:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Amir rom 32 32 The Seven Species and Their Blessings Thu, 06 Mar 2025 14:03:17 +0000 The Seven Species and Their Blessings

The Seven Species (Shiv’at HaMinim, שבעת המינים) are a group of seven agricultural products described in the Torah as unique and blessed in the Land of Israel. They are mentioned in Deuteronomy (ספר דברים) 8:8, where the Bible states:

“A land of wheat and barley, vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey.” Each of the Seven Species carries a deep symbolic meaning:

  • Wheat (חיטה) and Barley (שעורה) – The two primary grains of the ancient world, representing sustenance and nourishment. They were used for bread and offerings in the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • Grapes (גפן) – The source of wine, which is essential in Jewish rituals, including Kiddush on Shabbat and holidays.
  • Figs (תאנה) – A symbol of peace and prosperity, mentioned frequently in biblical texts.
  • Pomegranates (רימון) – Representing fertility and abundance, Jewish tradition teaches that pomegranates contain 613 seeds, corresponding to the 613 mitzvot (commandments) in the Torah.
  • Olives (זית) – Used primarily for olive oil, which lit the Menorah in the Holy Temple and remains central in Jewish rituals.
  • Dates (תמר) – Referred to as “honey” in the verse, dates symbolize sweetness and strength, and date syrup was a staple in ancient diets.

The Seven Species are more than just agricultural products; they are a symbol of divine blessing, sustenance, and the connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel. Their significance is reflected in Jewish traditions, festivals like Tu Bishvat, and religious practices, reinforcing their importance in Jewish life throughout history.

The Seven Species hold a special place in Jewish blessings and prayers. If a person eats a fruit from the Seven Species, they recite the blessing over fruit (Borei Pri Ha’etz) or over grains (Borei Minei Mezonot,).

If these fruits or grains are part of a meal, a special blessing after eating (Bracha Acharona) is recited, thanking God for the bounty of the land. In the Grace After Meals (Birkat HaMazon), a special mention of the Seven Species is included when they are eaten.

The Seven Species have been a central theme in Jewish art for centuries. As sacred symbols of the Land of Israel, they are frequently depicted in synagogue decorations, illuminated manuscripts, ceramics, textiles, and contemporary Judaica. Their representation in art reflects Jewish heritage, agricultural blessings, and divine connection to the land.

אריח חרס בעבודת יד
Shir LaMa’alot: An Examination of an Ancient Psalm and Its Modern Significance Mon, 19 Aug 2024 08:42:05 +0000 Shir LaMa’alot is one of the most well-known and moving verses in the Book of Psalms. It opens with the words: “A song of ascents. I lift my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?” This psalm, found in Psalm 121, expresses the poet’s sense of divine providence and his plea for God’s help.

The psalm is part of the chapters known as the “Songs of Ascents” (Psalms 120-134), which, according to Jewish tradition, were sung by pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem during the times of the Temple. These songs were an integral part of prayers and celebrations, and today they remain a significant part of Jewish tradition.

The psalm deals with faith, trust, and a sense of closeness to God. The first verse conveys hope and confidence that help comes solely from God: “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. “The subsequent verses emphasize divine protection over the individual at all times and places.

In a secular context, “Shir LaMa’alot” still holds deep significance. It is sung at state ceremonies, memorial services, and personal events such as weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. Its moving and simple words touch the hearts of many, providing a sense of security and comfort even to those who are not religious.

The psalm was sung during Israel’s wars and other national events, becoming a national symbol of steadfastness and determination. It reminds everyone of the importance of hope and confidence even in difficult times.

The psalm has become an inseparable part of the Jewish people’s heritage and is widely used in Jewish communities around the world. It reflects the deep historical and religious context of the people of Israel, as well as the universal values of hope, resilience, and faith.

Pomegranates in The Bible Wed, 29 Dec 2021 17:42:39 +0000 The pomegranate is one of the seven species of Israel (along with wheat, barley, grapes, figs, olives, and dates) listed in the Torah (Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25). It has been a popular fruit in the land of Israel for thousands of years. The wine-red flesh of the fruit has a sweet taste and contains many juicy nutrients.

Pomegranates are a symbol of righteousness in Judaism. They are first mentioned in The Bible when they are brought back by the spies to evidence the fruitfulness of the Land of  Cnaan (Numbers 13:23(. In Exodus (28:33–35) pomegranate designs are part of God’s instructions for the making of priestly garments. Pomegranate Images appear on many ancient coins of the biblical period, representing prosperity and beauty. The presence of pomegranate trees was symbolic of a nation’s financial and material wealth.

In Jewish tradition, pomegranates are a symbol of fertility and love; in Solomon’s Temple there were two hundred pomegranates engraved on the crowns of the two pillars at the front of the temple.  Some Jewish traditions hold that the pomegranate’s 613 seeds correspond with the 613 laws in the Torah; others claim that the pomegranate represents Israel. A pomegranate is a metaphor for the richness of the promised land of Israel – battered on the outside like the pomegranate’s peel, yet able to offer blessings from within. 

The pomegranate appears in many ancient love songs, such as The Song of Solomon. There are several references in the Song of Songs to pomegranates: “My sister, my bride, you are a garden locked up, a spring enclosed, a fountain sealed. Your branches are an orchard of pomegranates with the choicest of fruits” (Song of Solomon 4:13).

Nowadays pomegranates are associated with Rosh Hashanna (the Jewish New Year) and you can find them on the Jewish festive table for all the reasons above.

Ancient coin showing the pillars of Solomon’s Temple and three pomegranates on an ancient shekel coin
The story of Jonah Mon, 01 Mar 2021 17:00:35 +0000 Jonah is a prophet in the Hebrew Bible. It is a dramatic story about Jonah’s reluctance and the repentance of the people of the city of Nineveh. G-d commands Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh. There he was to warn them that if they did not return from their sinful ways, the city would be destroyed. But instead Jonah attempts to flee from G-d by going to Jaffa and sailing away. Jonah fled from the Land of Israel, for “the Divine presence does not rest [on a prophet] outside of the Holy Land.” This seemed to Jonah a way to be freed from this guilt-laden mission. While on the boat a huge storm arises and Jonah has himself thrown overboard by the sailors. Jonah is miraculously saved by being swallowed by a big fish, in whose belly he spends three days and three nights. While in the great fish, Jonah prays to G-d in his affliction and commits to thanksgiving.

Handmade ceramic plaque

G-d then commands the fish to vomit Jonah out. Finally, Jonah understood that he had no choice. This time he goes to the city of Nineveh, crying, “In forty days Nineveh shall be overthrown.” Jonah successfully convinces the entire city of Nineveh to repent. G-d sees their repentant hearts and spares the city at that time. The Book of Jonah is read every year, in its original Hebrew and in its entirety, on Yom Kippur.

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WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE AFFIXING A MEZUZAH Thu, 14 Jan 2021 15:54:44 +0000 The mitzvah of Mezuzah is one of the most universally Jewish known mitzvot. The Mezuzah scroll is a small parchment (klaf) upon which two Hebrew verses consisting of the Shema Israel prayer are handwritten. This prayer begins with the eternal words: “Hear o Israel, the L rd is our G d, the L rd is One”.


1. The decorative Mezuzah case is a container to protect the mezuzah scroll. The mezuzah case can be made from precious or ordinary materials. To assure the validity of the scroll it is better to choose a robust case, one that can stand outdoor conditions.

2. The text must be written by a qualified scribe. There are specific rules involved in writing a Mezuzah. For eexample, text that has been photocopied is not valid – not kosher.

3. The Mezuzah can be written by the scribe only on a delicate parchment (klaf), using a special ink.

mezuzah scroll

4.The script must be perfect and each letter must be properly formed. The slightest flaw in the script or crack in the parchment can render the whole Mezuzah not kosher.

5. The Mezuzah should be hung on the right side of the door, on the top third of the doorway. The top of the Mezuzah slants towards the room into which the door opens.

6. It is customary to have Mezuzahs checked twice every seven years, or even every year.

7. Mezuzah cases are often decorated with the Hebrew letters: Shin, Dalet and Yod – Shadai, meaning “guardian of the doorways of Israel”.

8. The procedure of fixing a Mezuzah is to hold the Mezuzah against the spot upon which it will be affixed, then recite the blessing: Barukh atah Adonai Eloheinu melekh ha‘olam, asher qideshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu liqboa‘ mezuzah, ‘”Amen”. Then the mezuzah is nailed or glued to the right doorpost. When affixing several Mezuzot, it is sufficient to recite the blessing once, before affixing the first one.

9. The Mezuzah should be fixed to the doorpost of every living space in the house, not just the entrance door. However, bathrooms, closets, laundry rooms and so forth do not require a Mezuzah.

10. The Mezuzah should be put up right away after moving in, and not later than thirty days. When you change place of residence do not remove the Mezuzot from the doorpost if you know that another Jewish family will be moving in subsequently.

Mezuzot are very special objects and must be taken care of according to Jewish laws and traditions. Although the parchment is the important part of the Mezuzah, designing and producing Mezuzah cases has been elevated to an art over the ages. So if you’re looking for a wedding or housewarming gift, a Mezuzah is always a perfect choice.

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Shabbat table Mon, 11 Jan 2021 13:08:57 +0000 The Shabbat table needs to be something that everyone looks forward to. It needs to be joyous. One of the joys of Shabbat is the décor of the table. The dining room is cleared of “chol” (weekday items) and a beautiful tablecloth is spread on the table. The Shabbat is treated as a “queen” so the finest dishes and flowers are set on the table. The evening meal begins with greeting the Shabbat angels into the house and reciting ‘Aishet Chayil’ song, praising the woman for her good qualities.

Next two blessing are recited, the ‘Kiddush’ and a blessing over two loaves of challa. The challa is a special bread usually braided and typically eaten on ceremonial occasions such as Shabbat. The challa is placed on a plate which is an integral part of any Shabbat table. After the prayer for giving thanks for bread, the tasty challa is sliced, sprinkled with salt, and passed around for all to enjoy. The challa plate is used to prevent crumbs from spreading over the table after slicing the bread. The challa plates are made of a variety of materials in many shapes and forms. Young couples are often very pleased to receive challa plates for their wedding or housewarming. The challa plate is often passed on to the next generation, holding the family tradition. Shabbat Shalom!

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Tree of Life Sat, 05 Dec 2020 13:26:41 +0000 The Tree of Life is one of the oldest and most meaningful symbols in world’s mythologies. It is known in many cultures as the sacred tree.

Etz Chaim, Hebrew for “Tree of Life,” is a common term used in Judaism and figuratively applied to the Torah itself. In the Book of Genesis, the Tree of Life is protected by cherubim with flaming swords in the Garden of Eden. The main theme of the Tree of Life is the connection between everything. In the divine realm the Jewish Kabbalah depicts the Tree of Life in the form of ten interconnected nodes. It is a structure of 10 Sefirot arranged in 3 pillars. The Sefirot are described as channels of divine creative life force through which the unknowable divine essence is exposed to mankind. The Sefirot: Keter, Chokhmah, Binah, Da’at, Chesed, Gvura, Tiferet, Netzah, Hod , Yesod and Malchout, guide the spiritual life of man for understanding the creation of the world and beyond.

The Tree of Life is a symbol for vitality and fertility. Its roots dig deep and spread into the earth always finding a way to keep growing, expanding throughout generations. Its branches, bursting with green leaves, strengthen and grow upwards to the sky. Also associated with wisdom and calmness, peace and relaxation, The Tree of Life represents our personal development, as we move through life and aspire to grow stronger, striving for greater knowledge and new experiences.

The Tree of Life is respected by most cultures and is a lovely way to wish good luck for a new beginning to anyone for whom you care. Whether as a Tree of Life necklace or as a wall hanging decoration, it is a powerful way to remember that we are all part of the universe, aspiring to grow stronger and wiser.

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